
Writings and Education on everything accounting

Is This Your Situation: You Don’t Have a Business Plan

Is This Your Situation: You Don’t Have a Business Plan

A business plan helps counterbalance your emotional response to your business so that you can step back and take an objective look at what you're doing and why, what you know for a fact, and what you're still trying to figure out. A business plan helps you launch...

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Is This Your Situation: Team Not Working Together

Is This Your Situation: Team Not Working Together

A team-oriented business culture is one of the best ways to run a business. When you get a group of talented people and allow them to work together independently, the production value is no longer "1+1=2" ... but instead "1+1=4." Teamwork, under the proper...

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QuickBooks Can Help Prevent Fraud

QuickBooks Can Help Prevent Fraud

Many businesses have experienced fraud first-hand. Those who survived the theft are quick to implement accounting controls. Below are 10 tips for best practices related to protecting your cash and the tools you can use in QuickBooks. Implement an Expense and...

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Calculating the Total Interest for a Loan with Excel

Calculating the Total Interest for a Loan with Excel

In this article we'll see how to use as little as a single worksheet cell to calculate the total interest for a loan. To do so we'll use the CUMIPMT worksheet function—this translates to Cumulative Interest Payment. This can often be more efficient than building out a...

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